Life is a journey of different shades and colors. There are the days of sunshine sending happy rays down onto earth not only warming our skin but also our heart, and there are also the days of rain that may discourage us, forcing us to take a break seeking stillness. Without this stillness, there would not be creation, and so, when the sun finally breaks through the clouds and allows for nature to present itself in its beautiful colors again, a power is unfolding within us. We are then reminded that we have access to an unlimited source of energy within, a strength and power to create, just as nature shows us the miraculous transformation of parched fields into beautiful meadows filled with every color of the rainbow.
Understand that without rain, nature would not survive and thrive and show its true beauty. And as our Mother Earth and all her inhabitants use these moments of stillness to regain strength, we humans, as part of nature’s big family, should follow this same natural rhythm.
The rain wants to teach us to allow ourselves a break, to let go, to make room for the new because it is exactly within that time of stillness that we will find our true strength.
So, take this time to become aware, to become conscious. Welcome the rain as much as the sun because they both serve their purpose. Let go of the need to control everything and just trust the process of life.
We are currently living in a time of change. While destructive forces fight with all their might to hold on to power and control, we are on our way to becoming a loving and caring community even if it does not look that way, but chaos always precedes order. So, we are naturally confronted with fears, and these fears also exist within us. If we look at the world as a mirror and realize that how we see the world is how we have been conditioned, we have the same power within us to change that.
The present times encourage us to transcend from the “I into the we”. Everything that strengthens and supports our path is a path that we walk together nourished by the feminine essence. So, instead of needing to control everything, which only leads to destruction, let’s invest more time in trust and confidence.
Trusting in the process of life without letting the illusion of fear getting in the way creates a natural balance providing you with strong roots. Having strong roots and therefore no longer needing to control life, no longer allowing yourself to be misguided by the illusion of scarcity, will be the secret to your personal evolution, to enjoy life and truly open yourself to all its beauty.
Do you know the song by Barclay James Harvest: Life is for living?
So, what's stopping us from really living?
I think it is all the trapped emotions and beliefs about us and about life.
Let’s say, you go through life with positive vibrations and treat yourself and other people lovingly, then you will get a positive response in return. If you are insecure, lack self-esteem, then the people around you will reflect that same energy.
You will meet people who demonstrate exactly this insecurity and lack of self-worth to you. Become very sensitive to those subtle messages. They are an invitation to confront these issues and heal them.
So, if I am responsible for my life and all the experiences chosen by my soul so that it can grow, I am also the one who can change everything. This does not mean that we no longer have to overcome challenges, but we see the challenges as an opportunity for growth.
Have you ever intended to do something out of the norm, and then when you took that first step into the unknown you felt a suffocating sensation coming from within, and you were suddenly flooded with these thoughts: "what if it doesn't work"? Or..., "oh no, what did I do"? Or.. "I can't do it"...
"I'm not good enough... or... I don't feel valuable, not worthy of love."
We usually don't think it consciously, but definitely on an unconscious level. Therefore, even if our intention is to change something in life, our unconscious mind makes the decisions for us 95% of the time.
These never-ending thoughts and feelings, conscious and unconscious take away so much valuable time, energy and resources that we should use for happiness, and if we could find the key that would open that secret door to our innate strength, we would all do it, I am sure.
Every person has their own story and challenges, which often enough make them forget who they really are. We learn to no longer act from our hearts, but from our minds and no longer act with compassion and love, but rather evaluate and condemn ourselves and others.
Even if you don't know what your soul wants to learn, it is helpful to accept all situations as they present themselves at first. Then ask the feminine essence within you to guide you. The deeper meaning of this path isn’t always understood and often becomes apparent much later. Learn to look at everything with love, even the big challenges in life, and if in doubt always ask yourself: What would love do?
Don't let anger, sadness or fear get the better of you. You can perceive these emotions, accept them and then touch them in a healing way.
Become centered, honoring your feelings and expressing them. And become empathetic for the community and for the benefit of all.
Below you will find some journaling questions in brown ink. I encourage you to get pen and paper out. Allow yourself to dig deep and write as much as you would like to because writing starts the healing process.
What current results are you manifesting in life?
What would you really like to change?
How long have you attracted the same results into your life?
Can you think of a reason why that is or why you have not been able to change that?
Deep in your heart lies the wisdom of your soul. This wisdom knows your full potential, and that is much more than you can ever imagine. If you listen to your heart, it will lead you to a fulfilled and happy life because the feminine essence within you empowers you to do the things that elevate you beyond your current limitations.
Be brave and hug the world. Greet it with a big smile and allow yourself to make mistakes.