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In the here and now 


„Hello, I am Silvia," and I 

would like to welcome you to my website: "Chakra Healing, which I created to support your journey in discovering your true powers so that you can create the life that will make your soul happy.


I invite you to.....

to go on an adventurous journey to redefine your life, to experience the life-changing magic, and all that in an accessible, simple and magical way.


Because you were destined for so much more...


           Silvi Vogt

The word “Chakra“ refers to the different energy centers in the body which are connected to certain bundle of nerves, glands and organs and which are the key to physical health, emotional stability and spiritual clarity. There are seven main chakras starting at the base of the spine reaching to the very crown of the head connected with each other through different energetic pathways.  If one of the chakras is out of alignment it can influence the stability of the other chakras and can lead to physical, emotional and mental stress.  The reasons can vary but can often be sourced back to unhealthy programming, convictions and trapped emotions. 


There are various practices you can incorporate into your daily routine to restore balance. Visit the different chakra pages to learn more about each one.


However, sometimes life has its challenges and certain experiences during childhood have led to certain beliefs that now prevent us from truly moving forward in life. Come into your true power with Emotion Healing and release destructive frequency patterns within, because life only wants one thing from you... to experience you in your most beautiful version.

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